When you register an ArgumentFactory, the registration is stored in anArguments instance held by Jdbi.Arguments is a configuration class, which stores all registered argumentfactories (including the factories for built-in arguments).
Global mapper 13 registration key
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Row mappers can be registered for particular types. This simplifies usage,requiring only that you specify what type you want to map to. Jdbiautomatically looks up the mapper from the registry, and uses it.
It is possible to register more than one mapper for any given type. When thishappens, the last-registered mapper for a given type takes precedence. Thispermits optimizations, like registering a "default" mapper for some type, whileallowing that default mapper to be overridden with a different one whenappropriate.
The mapped type has a generic signature, and/or the mapper could be composedof other registered mappers. For example, Jdbi provides aMap.Entry mapper, provided a mapper is registeredfor types K and V.
Column mappers may be registered for specific types. This simplifies usage,requiring only that you specify what type you want to map to. Jdbi automaticallylooks up the mapper from the registry, and uses it.
Reflection mappers support the following annotations. Unless otherwise noted, all annotations are supported on bean getters and setters for the BeanMapper, constructor parameters for the ConstructorMapper and bean fields for the FieldMapper.
@Nested for nested beans. Without this annotation, any attribute is treated as mappable from a single column. This annotation createsa mapper for the nested bean. There is a limitation that only one type of mapper can be nested at a time; BeanMapper will createanother BeanMapper, ConstructorMapper will create another ConstructorMapper etc. @Nested supports an optional prefix forall attributes in the nested bean (@Nested("prefix")).
Constructor mappers can be configured with a column name prefix for each mappedconstructor parameter. This can help to disambiguate mapping joins, e.g. whentwo mapped classes have identical property names (like id or name):
Bean mappers can be configured with a column name prefix for each mappedproperty. This can help to disambiguate mapping joins, e.g. when two mappedclasses have identical property names (like id or name):
Field mappers can be configured with a column name prefix for each mappedfield. This can help to disambiguate mapping joins, e.g. when two mappedclasses have identical property names (like id or name):
In the preceding example, the User mapper uses the "u" column name prefix, andthe Phone mapper uses "p". Since each mapper only reads columns with theexpected prefix, the respective id columns are unambiguous.
mapToMap() operations where the key is the (lower-cased) column name and the value is the column value. Supports regular Java Types, Generic Types and Qualified Types for the values. The value mapper is retrieved from the RowMappers registry.
You may be wondering about the getRow() and getColumn() calls to rowView.When you call rowView.getRow(SomeType.class), RowView looks up theregistered row mapper for SomeType, and uses it to map the current row to aSomeType object.
Likewise, when you call rowView.getColumn("my_value", MyValueType.class),RowView looks up the registered column mapper for MyValueType, and uses itto map the my_value column of the current row to a MyValueType object.
In this example, the User mapper will map the columns u_id and u_name intothe id and name parameters of the User constructor. Likewise for r_idand r_name into id and name parameters of the Role constructor,respectively.
In the preceding example, the User mapper uses the "u" column name prefix, andthe Phone mapper uses "p". Since each mapper only reads the column with theexpected prefix, the respective id columns are unambiguous.
org.jdbi.v3.sqlobject.config provides annotations for things that can be configured at the Jdbi orHandle level. This includes registration of mappers and arguments, and for configuring SQL statement rendering and parsing.
In this example, a new Jdbi object is defined using specific mappers and other customizations. The Jdbi object is exposed to Guice using the annotation passed on the module constructor (GuiceJdbi in the example). The AbstractJdbiDefinitionModule supports both annotation instances and classes, similar to Guice itself.
The Jdbi related guice modules store the various related elements (mappers, codecs etc.) using Multibindings. As a result, it is not possible to use injection directly when constructing mapper instances.
Guice will report an error that it cannot locate the CustomStringMapper instance. The Guice Jdbi integration manages mappers etc. as groups and the separate instances are not directly accessible for injection. The right way to compose mappers is using the Jdbi configuration (see JdbiConfig), which is configured through Guice:
All bindings in a Jdbi module that defines a Jdbi object are local to that module. This is useful if all Jdbi related code can be grouped around the module. In larger projects, some parts of the code (and their Jdbi related elements such as row and column mappers) may be located in different part of the code base.
In larger projects, generic mappers should be available for multiple Jdbi instances. This leads often to a proliferation of small modules that only contain such generic code and is in turn imported into every code module that wants to use them.
To support modular code design, any part of a code base that wants to contribute Jdbi specific classes such as mappers to the overall system can use an element configuration module to expose these to all Jdbi instances in a project.
Jdbi element configuration modules extend AbstractJdbiConfigurationModule and can define mappers, plugins etc. similar to a Jdbi definition module. Anything that is registered in such a module is global and will be applied to all instances even if they are defined in another module.
The main use case of guice is code modularization and code reuse. Jdbi definition modules can pull dependencies out of the global dependency definitions and using the importBinding and importBindingLoosely methods.
In larger projects, Element configuration modules help to organize the various Jdbi related elements. By default, all modules contribute their configuration to a single, global configuration that is used in all Jdbi definition modules.
The jdbi3-kotlin plugin adds mapping to Kotlin data classes. Itsupports data classes where all fields are present in the constructor as wellas classes with writable properties. Any fields not present in the constructorwill be set after the constructor call. The mapper supports nullable types. Italso uses default parameter values in the constructor if the parameter type isnot nullable and the value absent in the result set.
This works for all the collection types supported. For the nested valuerow and column mappers already installed in Jdbi will be used.Therefore, the following would work and can make sense if the column is nullable:
Tuples are always mapped fully column-wise or fully via row mappers.If you want to mix row-mapped types and single-column mappings theTupleMappers must be configured properly i.e. all non row-mappedtuple indices must be provided with a column configuration!
Override setConfig(ConfigRegistry) if your config class wants to be able touse other config classes in the registry. E.g. RowMappers registry delegatesto ColumnMappers registry, if it does not have a mapper registered for a giventype.
The @RegisterColumnMapper annotation has an attribute to specify the class ofthe column mapper to register. Wherever the annotation is used, we want Jdbi tocreate an instance of that mapper type, and register it with the configregistry.
A ResultProducer takes a lazily supplied PreparedStatement andproduces a result. The most common producer path, execute(),retrieves the ResultSet over the query results and then uses aResultSetScanner or higher level mapper to produce results.
The devicemapper storage driver is deprecated in favor of overlay2, and willbe removed in a future release. Users of the devicemapper storage driver arerecommended to migrate to a different storage driver, such as overlay2, whichis now the default storage driver.
Now that support for overlay2 is added to all supported distros (as they areeither on kernel 4.x, or have support for multiple lowerdirs backported), thereis no reason to continue maintenance of the devicemapper storage driver.
Keycloak is a single sign on solution for web apps and RESTful web services. The goal of Keycloakis to make security simple so that it is easy for application developers to secure the apps and services they have deployedin their organization. Security features that developers normally have to write for themselves are provided out of the boxand are easily tailorable to the individual requirements of your organization. Keycloak provides customizableuser interfaces for login, registration, administration, and account management. You can also use Keycloak as anintegration platform to hook it into existing LDAP and Active Directory servers. You can also delegate authentication to thirdparty identity providers like Facebook and Google.
When a client is registered, you must define protocol mappers and role scope mappings for that client. It is often useful to storea client scope, to make creating new clients easier by sharing some common settings. This is also useful for requesting someclaims or roles to be conditionally based on the value of scope parameter. Keycloak provides the concept of a client scope for this. 2ff7e9595c