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Gundam Seed Destiny Ost 3 Rar

The main purpose of this project, outside of fufilling my own wants that the game or Premium G Sound edition didnt provide, was to give those that didn't buy the Premium G edition some variety and use out of the custom BGM feature. Initially released pre-Christmas 2013 at roughly 68 songs, the project has since gone on to almost double through a number of requests and my own personal desire to see it expand (too many OP songs in the gundam-verse). Because of my original intentions to have songs only represent units in the game and the general size of it, as of now I'm through with large updates to it.Tracklist:

The actual name of the track is 始まりが故 . The OSTs I have are already pre-translated, though they aren't perfect. For example, "That Red Flash Guy" from First gundam (II: Soliders of Sorrow to be exact) was translated as "Red Comet", which isn't defined or thoroughly implied by its original title 赤い閃光の奴 (not to mention Akai Suisei is already in Premium G).Granted, outside of that specific case I admittedly didnt check each and every title for accuracy, mainly because I used the Special releases for Zeta and ZZ which share the same songs as their respective OSTs but have them titled differently (and general laziness). Every so often I'd spot check a song, and the translations were typically on the mark. My language skills beyond katakana are a bit limited, but from what I can gather "Late Start" makes sense in that "Late" implies a sort of dead-on-arrival operation/battle/whatever scenarios it was used for in the show, and not so much a time issue. Of course it doesn't have to apply to any specific scenes, but I think that's what it's getting at.

Gundam Seed Destiny Ost 3 Rar


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